this is to keep my thoughts about different projects i have in my head in order.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Ceiling fan windmill

Well i was thinking about altenative energy for the skamper ( a 1970s camper i have up north wi) and i kinda had to rule out solar for now because the camp site is very heavily wooded and i doubt i can get any juice to flow through the trees. Then i started thinking about wind. Hmmm i thought if i can make a generator and blades on the cheap ( im all about makeing on the cheap) what kind of power would i make. i ran accross a few sites that make a magnetic flux alternator out of and old ceiling fan. That sounds just cheap enough for me and what do you know theres an old ceiling fan right there. cost to date is about $20. $15 for the neodynium magnets from the science and surplus store and $5 for some jb weld. this is an ongoing project for me and i also made a few different prototype turbine blade designs that i am currently testing out. i like the vertical blade design way more than horizontal just because this will be around kids and i dont want blades flying apart and injuring them.


this isnt mine but i plan on prototyping something simalr to this soon


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About Me

milwaukee, wi, United States